New Delhi: 12th June 2023

R4R Statement: Rohingya Repatriation From Bangladesh

‘Rohingya Human Rights Initiative’ supports the campaign by Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh to return to Myanmar. However, any return should happen with guarantee of full citizenship restoration for the Rohingya, accountability and reparations for the acts of crimes against humanity and Genocide committed by the Myanmar Arm Forces. In the light of dwindling international aid, especially a decrease in food rations, and unsafe living conditions prone to fire and flooding, we urge Rohingyas to be allowed to return to their homeland Myanmar with dignity. 

Many refugees express fear and concern over the prospect of returning. The Rohingya experience of witnessing our citizenship stripped, homes burnt, and loved ones brutalised and killed is one that we expect the international community to consider while discussing repatriation. We strongly appeal to the international community to ensure conditions for the safe return of Rohingya refugees. The repatriation must be voluntary and abide by the international refugee regime. We are staunchly against refoulment and forced returns.

We demand that the Rohingyas staying in the IDP camps in Rakhine must be able to exercise their right to freedom of movement and return to their original places of residence.

Refugees having to return to places hostile to their existence because of a lack of international support and supplies is a discouraging development. We hope that the international community and the UN system address the situation and negotiate with Myanmar to create just and durable conditions for the return of Rohingya to their homeland.

Until conditions for safe and dignified return of the Rohingya community are not created in Myanmar, their life in neighbouring countries must be supported by the governments and the UN agencies.

1300Photo credit Rohim Ullah,Rohingya photographer 2023